
The OFA test in General Knowledge will be held on 17 December 2024 at 11:00 AM.

For further details, please refer to the information provided inside.

Registration is now open for the Latin Language Course for Beginners (60 hours)...see inside

We have launched the student survey for the 2024-25 academic year.

More info on this page.

First- and second-year students interested in attending the History of Classical Tradition course (Prof. Angelo Maria Monaco) are informed that the class schedule has been modified to accommodate their requests and minimize conflicts with other courses as much as possible.

The list of courses offered by the University Library Service in autumn 2024 is now online.

Programme quality
Find out what it is and how to participate

Students and teachers participate in programme quality policies through regular monitoring and assessment activities based on indicators provided by the Ministry of Education (MIUR).

As Quality Assurance policies and procedures are student-centred. Inline with this the University has provided a training course divided into 4 modules for the students of the University.

Via Noto 6 - 20142 Milano (MI)
Via Festa del Perdono 7 - 20122 Milano (MI)

Ca' Foscari University of Venice Associated Departments

Department of Asian and North African Studies
Palazzo Vendramin Dorsoduro 3462 - 30123 Venice

Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Malcanton Marcorà Dorsoduro 3484/D - 30123 Venice

Department of Humanites
Malcanton Marcorà Dorsoduro 3484/D - 30123 Venice

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Go the the Ca' Foscari University website